Business Consultant and Management System Consultant in Indonesia. Call Now!

Apakah Anda mencari Konsultan / Consultant ISO serta Training ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/OHSAS 18001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 17025, ISO 22000, HACCP, Konsultan BRC, Konsultan Audit, Konsultan ISO 28000, Konsultan ISO 31000?? Mengapa tidak Memadukan dengan Business Strategy? Call Now! REKO HANDOYO, 081389411679

Manajemen adalah bisnis utama kami. Misi kami adalah mengatur, memperbaiki agar sistem manajemen perusahaan Anda bisa berjalan dengan efisien dan efektif. Tentu anda bertanya bagaimana itu bisa dilakukan?

Di Sien Consultants kami menyebutnya dengan nama Self Assesment Management. Artinya perusahaan yang kami tangani harus bisa mandiri menganalisa permasalahan dan mencari jalan keluar di masa mendatang setelah bisa mandiri lepas dari kami.

Sebagai Konsultan / Consultant Manajemen dan Konsultan / Consultant Business Strategy pekerjaan kami adalah memberikan konsultasi dan training atau pelatihan sehingga klien kami mengalami kemajuan dan progress perusahaan yang cukup maju. Dengan metode business check up atau gap analysis, konsultan / consultant manajemen kami melakukan proses awal untuk mengetahui positioning dari perusahaan untuk kemudian menjadi bahan memperbaiki divisi yang harus dibenahi terlebih dahulu.

Tentu Anda bertanya siapa Sien Consultants? Sien Consulants adalah perusahaan konsultansi / consultan dan training manajemen yang berdiri sejak tahun 2001 dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta dan memiliki cabang di Semarang dan Surabaya.

Saat ini sudah lebih dari 200 perusahan yang pernah kami bantu untuk menuju kemandirian manajemen perusahaan.

Ada 2 Service Utama kami yaitu Business Strategic atau Management Strategic dan Konsultasi Manajemen Sistem ISO.

Jasa Pelayanan Business Strategy atau management strategy meliputi:

1. Corporate Plan Strategy

2. Production, Warehousing dan Logistic Strategy

3. Marketing & Customer Loyalty

4. Accounting and Financial

5. Branding & Communication Strategy

6. HR Management Development

Business Strategic atau Management Strategic yang kami lakukan adalah membantu perusahaan mengetahui kelemahan dan kekuatan sendiri kemudian mengarahkan diri untuk menganalisa competitor dan mengambil strategi untuk memasuki pasar dan menjadi pemenang. Anda tertarik? Business kami memang mengharapkan adanya kemajuan dari perusahaan dan menjadi pemenang dengan strategi dan taktik pasar yang disusun berdasarkan situasi dan kondisi perusahaan dan bisnis yang digelutinya.

Bagaimana Jika Saya ingin konsultasi Business Strategy?

Konsultasi business strategy kami akan dilakukan dengan fair, artinya yang mengetahui kondisi perusahaan sebenarnya Anda sendiri bukan? Oleh karena itu tahap yang akan kami lakukan pada garis besarnya terdiri dari 2 bagian:

  1. Tahap pertama adalah gap analysis atau business check up.

Dalam tahap gap analysis kami lakukan adalah pemetaan perusahaan. Dimana akan diketahui letak kelemahan dan kekuatan dari perusahaan Anda serta apa yang seharusnya Anda lakukan terlebih dahulu.

Setelah tahap ini selesai kami akan menyerahkan ke Anda sebagai klien untuk mendiskusikan tahap berikut divisi mana yang harus dibenahi.

  1. Tahap Kedua adalah Proses Konsultasi.

Di dalam proses konsultasi business strategy konsultan / consultant manajemen kami akan membantu dari konsultasi maupun training yang diperlukan.

Anda tertarik menggunakan jasa konsultan / consultant manajemen business strategy kami? Hub kami sekarang juga.!

REKO HANDOYO; 081389411679, 021-5682655

Untuk Manajemen Sistem ISO Service Kami Meliputi Konsultan / Consultant ISO:

  • Konsultan ISO 9001 ( System Manajemen Mutu )

  • Konsultan ISO 14001 ( System Manajemen Lingkungan )

  • Konsultan ISO 17025 ( System Manajemen Mutu Laboratorium )

  • Konsultan ISO/TS 16949 ( System Manajemen untuk Otomotive )

  • Konsultan ISO 22000 ( System Manajemen Keamanan Pangan )

  • Konsultan ISO 26000 ( Sistem Manajemen Corporate Social Responsibility)

  • Konsultan ISO 27001 (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan IT)

  • Konsultan ISO 28000 ( Sistem Manajemen Supply Chain)

  • Konsultan ISO 31000 ( Sistem Manajemen Risk Management)

  • Konsultan SA 8000 ( Sistem Manajemen Ketenagakerjaan )

  • Konsultan OHSAS 18001 ( System Manajemen K3)

  • Konsultan ISO 13485 ( Manufacturer ALat Bedah )

  • Konsultan ISO 13488 ( Distribusi Alat Bedah )

  • Konsultan HACCP & GMP ( Analisa Keamanan Pangan Industri Pangan )

  • Konsultan FAMI QS ( Makanan ternak supaya tidak berbahaya )

  • Konsultan Human Resources Management

  • Konsultan 5 S ( Seiri Seiton Seiso Seiketsu Shitsuke)

  • Konsultan GKM

  • Konsultan Balance Scorecard

  • Konsultan Six Sigma

  • Konsultan Performance Management

  • Konsultan WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production)

  • Konsultan Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

  • Konsultan Kaizen (Gemba Kaizen)

Bagaimana JIka Anda ingin Konsultasi ISO?

Ada beberapa tahap yang harus dilalui sebelum sebuah perusahaan dinyatakan layak mendapatkan sertifikat ISO. Ini adalah tahap-tahapnya:

  1. Gap Analysis atau Business Check Up.

Di dalam gap analysis konsultan / consultan iso kami akan melakukan wawancara atau mengumpulkan data dengan tujuan mengetahui sampai sejauh mana perusahaan siap untuk masuk tahap konsultasi. Jika memang masih benar-benar nol, konsultan / consultant iso kami akan membantu dengan daftar apa saja yang harus dibuat baik oleh kami sebagai konsultan / consultan manajemen iso Anda atau dilakukan berbarengan dengan Anda.

  1. Training

Tahap Training adalah tahap dimana transfer pengetahuan mengenai ISO yang diambil dilakukan.

  1. Penyusunan Dokumen

Tahap dimana dokumen yang diperlukan untuk penerapan suatu system iso dilakukan.

  1. Pengesahan dan distribusi dokumen

Tahap dimana dokumen ISO yang sudah dibuat disahkan dan didistribusikan

  1. Implementasi

Tahap dimana Anda mengimplementasikan system ISO

  1. Review implementasi

Tahap dimana dilakukan pembenahan kembali jika terdapat kesalahan dalam pembentukan dokumen atau proses implementasi

  1. Management Review

Tahap dimana proses penyusunan dokumen dan implementasi dilaporkan ke manajemen

  1. Pre Assesment

Tahap dimana dilakukan audit dari konsultan / consultant iso dari SIEN Consultants yang berbeda dengan konsultan in charge. Hal ini untuk melakukan cross check pekerjaan dan menunjang profesionalisme kerja

  1. Audit Internal

Tahap dimana Anda melakukan audit internal di dalam perusahaan

  1. Assessment Stage 1

Tahap dimana Badan sertifikasi ISO melakukan audit ke perusahaan Anda.

  1. Assessment Stage 2

Tahap dimana Badan sertifikasi ISO melakukan audit ke-2 kali atau final audit untuk menentukan apakah perusahaan Anda layak mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO atau tidak.

  1. Post Audit

Tahap dimana Sien Consultants sebagai konsultan / consultant iso Anda memberikan konsultasi akhir.

  1. After Sales Service : Life Time Free e-Consulting.

Tahap dimana Anda sudah mendapatkan sertifikat ISO dan kami sebagai konsultan / consultant ISO Anda memberikan gratis konsultasi selama perusahaan Anda masih menerapkan system ISO yang dikonsultasikan dengan kami.

Apakah Anda tertarik untuk konsultasi ISO? Hubungi kami sekarang juga ke REKO HANDOYO, Your Business Consultants, Mobile: 081389411679, 081932985325, kantor: 021-5682655. Email:

Apakah kami juga menyediakan Training yang Anda butuhkan? Baca selanjutnya…


    1. Training Leadership

    2. Training Leadership Skills,

    3. Training Presentation Skill,

    4. Training Motivation Training,

    5. Training Public Speaking

    6. Training Supervisory Training dari tingkat Dasar-Menengah-Advance,

    7. Training Key Performance Indicator(KPI)/Balance Score Card Training,

    8. Training Secretary/ Filling Management Training,

    9. Mental Development Training,

    10. Salesmanship Training,

    11. Human Resources Management Training,

    12. Training Service Excellence,

    13. ReceptionTraining,

    14. Personality Development,


Training ISO 9001 ( System Manajemen Mutu )
Training ISO 14001 ( System Manajemen Lingkungan )
Training ISO 17025 ( System Manajemen Mutu Laboratorium )
Training ISO/TS 16949 ( System Manajemen untuk Otomotive )
Training ISO 22000 ( System Manajemen Keamanan Pangan )
Training SA 8000 ( Sistem Manajemen Ketenagakerjaan )
Training OHSAS 18001 ( System Manajemen K3)
Training ISO 13485 ( Manufacturer ALat Bedah )
Training ISO 13488 ( Distribusi Alat Bedah )
Training HACCP & GMP ( Analisa Keamanan Pangan Industri Pangan )
Training FAMI QS ( Makanan ternak supaya tidak berbahaya )
Training Human Resources Management
Training 5 S ( Seiri Seiton Seiso Seiketsu Shitsuke)
Training GKM
Training Balance Scorecard
Training Six Sigma
Training Performance Management
Training WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production)
Training Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Supply Chain Management Training,

Production Training,

Warehousing Management Training,

Distribution Management Training,

Quality Management System Training,

Food Safety Management Training,

Health and Safety Management Training,

Automotive Management Training,

Total Quality Control Management Training,

BRC Training,

Training Kaizen

Training 5 S


  1. Konsep dan Persyaratan Sistem ManajemenISO 9001/14001/OHSAS 18001,

  2. Dokumentasi Sistem Manajemen ISO 9001/14001/OHSAS18001,

  3. Internal Auditor ISO 9001/14001/18001,

  4. Konsep dan Persyaratan SistemManajemen Mutu ISO/TS 16949,

  5. Internal Auditor ISO/TS 16949,

  6. Konsep danPersyaratan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 13485,

  7. Dokumentasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO13485,

  8. Internal Auditor ISO 13485,

  9. Internal Quality and/or Environmental baseon ISO 19011,

  10. Statistical Process Control (SPC), Measurement System Analysis(MSA), Potential Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Production PartApproval Process (PAPP), Advance Product Quality Planning (APQP), QualityFunction Deployment (QFD),

  11. Toyota Production System (TPS),

  12. Business ProcessReengineering (BPR),

  13. Analisis Data, Quality Control Circle (QCC),

  14. QCCFasilitator, Suggestions System (SS),

  15. Gemba Kaizen,

  16. Sikap Kerja 5S (Seiri,Seiton, Seiso, Shitsuke, Seiketsu),

  17. Quality Control 7 Tools, InternalCalibration, Industrial Engineering (IE),

  18. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM),

  19. QC Problem Solving,

  20. Acceptance and Standard Sampling Plan,

  21. StatisticalSoftware,

  22. Pengelolaan Limbah B3,

  23. Pengelolaan IPAL,

  24. Pengukuran Limbah Cair,

  25. Manajemen Resiko.


  1. Bookkeeping Services;

  2. Information System Services;

  3. Internal Audit;BudgetingStock/ Inventory Services;

  4. Fixed Asset Services;

  5. Reconciled Bookkeping Services;

  6. Payroll Administration Services.

  7. Financial Accounting Analysis and Reporting,

  8. Effective Budgeting and Cost Control :

  9. Planning & Controlling, Effective Inventory Accounting :

  10. Fixed Asset Management :

  11. SOP Finance :

  12. Set up, Design & Implementation,

Client kita mulai dari berbagai macam industri

Mulai dari Oil & Gas, Pertamina, Garuda Maintenance Fasilities (GMF), Plastic Packaging, Automotive, Garment, Textile, Water Treatment, Desipack, Farmasi, Metal Stamping, Courier, Warehousing, Security Printing, Network dan IT System, Securities, Dot Com, Construction, Food & Beverage, Services, Construction, Architect, Automotive Component, Plastic Injection, Chemical, Printing, Electronic, Telecommunication Services, Medical Devices, Inspection Services, Pharmaceutical, Courier Service, Plating, Pump, Electrical Component, Power Plant, Man Power Supply Service, Die Casting, Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK), dll masih banyak jenis industri lainnya.

Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lengkap dan benar silahkan hubungi client-client SIEN Consultants sehingga bisa mengetahui Kualitas dan Standard Konsultasi SIEN Consultants di mata client.



Business Consultant


HACCP (Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points)

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is basically a food safety management system that focuses on proactive approach of prevention for hazards rather than inspection of finished products. HACCP addresses all biological, chemical and physical hazards associated with food safety. HACCP has been successfully used in food and pharmaceutical industry in identification of potential safety hazards and in taking key actions to eliminate or reduce the risks caused by them. The HACCP system can be used at various stages of production and processing to ensure food safety and protection of public health.

The concept of HACCP was incepted in 1960s when Pillsbury designed and manufacture of food for space flights for NASA - the first venture of its kind. After that the concept was internationally recognized and traditional methods of inspection were replaced by science based food safety management system. HACCP plans have so far helped both the governments and food industry in efficiently allocating their resources in establishing safe practices for food production and providing effective auditing of the same. Legislations place the responsibility of making the food safe on food operators and HACCP software are designed to assist operators in achieving the same. HACCP system certifications are offered by only few commercial bodies. The concept of HACCP is still almost untouched in developing countries due to lack of knowledge and proper approach.

HACCP food management system is not an independent program in itself. It is built on some pre-requisite programs like SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices). Thus the effectiveness and efficiency of HACCP depends on both GMP and SSOP. Therefore food operators having weak GMP and SSOP often face food safety issues and if these issues are not addressed properly these can result in serious consequences for public health.

The Principles behind HACCP

HACCP is outlined by seven basic principles required to maintain hygiene standards.

1. Analyzing Hazards: Identification of potential hazards including biological, chemical and physical.

2. Identification of Critical Control Points: Determining the point at which hazards may occur, causing harm to consumer.

3. Establishing Critical Limits: Setting parameters for the control points to identify any activity that is out of control.

4. Implementing a Monitoring System: To monitor critical control points.

5. Establishing Corrective Action: Defining corrective actions that will be taken when any parameter of critical control points is breached.

6. Establishing Procedures for Verification: To verify that the above 5 points are effectively working.

7. Establishing Reporting Procedures: These reports will be a kind of evidence that the system is effectively working.

HACCP and Food Safety

Since the advent of strict legislations related to food safety, HACCP certification and programs are on a roll. Options available in the market for food operators to comply with food safety regulations have increased many folds with the awareness in the industry. E-Control Systems, Inc., recently launched IntelliHACCP, a wireless solution especially for HACCP compliance giving food operators a kind of freedom in managing their food safety standards through a single platform. Q22, launched by HiQ Software Consulting Inc, from Kitchener, Ontario has also been an innovative product for HACCP compliance and rigorous standards of ISO 22000. HACCPNow, doHACCP by Norback, Ley and Associates LLC etc have also been leading software for implementing HACCP. But it's not all about choosing the best software for HACCP compliance; other then this researchers working on various aspects of HACCP have identified three barriers which hinder the successful HACCP implementation. These are knowledge barrier, attitudinal barrier and behavioral barriers.

Knowledge barriers refers to clear understanding about the program, attitudinal barriers refers to varying consent with the principles and actions of the adopted program and lastly behavioral barriers refers to money, time and other resources. Although the companies have been working hard to overcome these barriers, only few have been successful in addressing these issues. IntelliHACCP is basically suffering from first barrier as the knowledge about the program is a limiting factor. HiQ's Q22 has tried to keep all barriers at par during designing. The program is simple yet full of features and covers all the seven principles of HACCP. These programs have made the HACCP compliance quite easy for the food operators. These programs can help in implementing HACCP into companies that need HACCP certification in easy steps; all is needed after that is some training which is readily offered by various providers.

Not only this, these HACCP programs have been found to be of great help in maintaining and running documentations. Q22, for example, offers data management, document management and data analysis features. Document management refers to keeping track of documents, old, new, declined or approved. All documents are systematically stored on one central location and are readily available for review. In addition to these the program provides visibility along with reliable and controlled audit trail. These programs also provide adaptable and customized data management for recorded data. Data analysis, a kind of business intelligence is done using reporting module which are designed as open-concept and have the facility of addition of new templates, according to the requirement. Adaptability to any company structure has been a significant feature of these programs. Critical Control Points (CCP) are determined by Process Flow Form's drawing module which enables data inputs automatically. This automation helps in reducing the configuration time significantly.

The main concept behind the HACCP is to prevent any hazardous product from leaving the processing unit or manufacturing facility. The keys to success of HACCP are employee training, attitude and behavior. Still the misconception prevails that only controlling the areas where safety can be comprised is a successful HACCP plan. But the controlling of specific areas won't be an effective approach in the long run. HACCP controls the whole process as an integral system, thus providing better and effective results. It is found that HACCP gives better results when it is used in tandem with other control systems. Total Quality Management Systems and Standard Operating Procedures can be used alongside HACCP to improve food safety and quality.

Vedran Hasanagic, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Vedran Mirjana Hasanagic, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. HiQ Inc. Operational Manager. HACCP and HACCP ADVANTAGE consulting and software implementation. tell 1 866 HIQ SOFT (447-7638) fax. 1 888 883-5649

Effective Workplace Safety Programs

As a Safety Professional, I have two major objectives in mind; injury prevention and compliance. It's possible to have few injuries and poor compliance or a lot of injuries and excellent compliance. It takes a concerted effort to have both. This is an area where a lot of companies have difficulty. A company, no matter how large or small, must have an effective workplace safety program with a vision of greatness, commitment and involvement by all to achieve a high level of injury prevention and compliance with federal and state laws and company policy. From a management perspective, which one is more important?

From a personal perspective, injury prevention is more important. A good injury prevention program reduces absenteeism, improves employee morale and ultimately increases the bottom line by increasing production and reducing costs. Employees are the most valuable resource any company has. If an employee gets hurt, it takes valuable time to take care of the injured person, do investigations and complete the paperwork. Production always slows because people come to look or help. If the injured person is disabled, there are workers' compensation costs and reduced production that has a negative impact on profitability.

So, the question is; how do you get a good injury reduction and compliance safety program? There's a lot of help available from OSHA, state governments, and most insurance companies that is free or low cost. A lot of consultants are available and companies like JJ Keller and BLR offer assistance in developing a safety program. Few offer help in implementation and follow-up though. The following steps are things I consider to be essential in the building an effective program:

1. Do an evaluation of the company processes, procedures and products to determine which safety standards apply. There is a guide to OSHA requirements at It's a free site and easy to use.

2. Conduct a fact finding tour. An audit must be completed, either by a third party or in-house (using a good audit checklist), to determine where you're at. This audit must identify and record hazards and unsafe conditions and practices that lead to injuries and non-compliance situations. The auditor should make recommendations for eliminating hazards and correcting non-compliance issues. It must also include federal and state record keeping requirements. This audit will help in identifying policies and procedures that can be part of the written safety manual.

3. Develop and document a safety vision and establish attainable goals. These steps should involve all stake-holders in the safety process, including upper and lower level manager and supervisor representatives. The vision will provide the direction for the safety program and provide corporate level support for the changes that may occur in the implementation stage of the program. Including managers, supervisors and employee representatives at all levels will help ensure buy in by all employees when the program is implemented and changes are made in the workplace.

4. Write a site specific safety manual. The manual should define the safety program and the policies and procedures that will be implemented in the workplace. If there are multiple locations, write a core manual with attachments that define site specific requirements for each location.

5. Conduct a peer review of the manual, with managers and employee representatives. Incorporating recommended changes that make sense will help ensure that the program is implemented with as little resistance to change as possible. The finished manual should be a fluid document that responds to changes as new products and procedures are introduced in the workplace.

6. Implement the safety program. Provide and document training for all employees on the new policies and procedures. Make sure the employees are aware of the need for changes as well as what the changes in policies and procedures are.

7. Provide follow-up activities to ensure that the new safety program is implemented as intended. Use a 90-day evaluation period to make sure that documentation is being provided to the safety department or human resources. After six months, evaluate the safety program to make sure it is in alignment with the vision and that the goals are being reached. Make any adjustments necessary to the program.

A successful safety and health program will include the steps listed above. It must have the commitment and support of corporate management and should be directed by a person with vision, enthusiasm and a passion for safety. Buy in at all levels is necessary to ensure that behavioral changes are made in the workforce. Employees will "own" the program, work toward the established goals and the business will have fewer injuries, reduced workers compensation costs and enjoy a corresponding increase in production and profitability.

: Marshall Crum has been a safety professional in the general, DOT and construction industries for more than 25 years. He has extensive experience in developing successful safety programs that reduce injuries, ensure compliance and improve the bottom line in while creating an atmosphere that encourages participation and teamwork. This article is written based on his experience. Visit his retirement website for more information about Marshall and his goals.

Why Drug Testing for Employees is Important

Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, there is no explicit “drug testing” required for employees. Some states and local governments even have statues that limit or prohibit workplace testing unless a state or federal employer requires it.

Still, most private employers are granted the right to test employees for a wide variety of substances. It is important for employers to familiarize themselves with federal and state regulations that may apply to their organization before designing a drug-testing program.

There are various reasons that would compel an employer to test job applicants and current workers. Testing:

1. Discourages the staff from drug and alcohol abuse

2. Prevents the hiring of a person who uses illegal substances

3. Detects alcohol and drug problems of a person early on

4. Improves workplace safety, protecting people from substance abusing co-workers

5. Promotes public safety, as consumers or clients of a workplace can have confidence in the service they receive

A person’s hair, blood, or urine are what most tests use to determine drug or a alcohol content. Urinalysis is the most preferred method among employees and employers prefer it as well; it is the cheapest drug test around. However, the accuracy of such a test is hardly 100%. Not all illegal drugs can be tested for this way.

If an employee tests positive for a drug test, he or she may be terminated or punished. However, if the employee believes the test to be flawed, he or she can file a defamation charge for being wrongfully accused of illegal drugs. As long as a workplace invests in an accurate, reliable drug test and makes sure it is permitted to test employees, this won’t be a concern though.

Here are steps to designing accurate drug tests:

1. Only the most competent laboratory must administer and analyze drug test results, and one that is certified by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) is preferable. A NIDA certified laboratory will assure that you receive only accurate, reliable results and thus you will eliminate any possibility of being charged for defamation. Likewise, make sure the laboratory is capable of testing a wide range of drugs or only the drugs you are concerned about. Some labs do not test for marijuana, for instance.

2. Employers must also be fully informed on how drug tests work and are conducted. And the procedures must be followed carefully; any error can render results inaccurate.

3. It’s best to employ a split sample method, which means only a small portion of the specimen (hair or urine, etc) is initially tested while the remaining sample is reserved for future testing. This way, if there is any mistake or question of accuracy, testing can be repeated.

4. The test should include safeguards against fraud as well. An NIDA certified laboratory can provide for and instruct an employer on fraud-prevention techniques.

5. It is important to be aware of the potential for false positives as well – even perfectly legal over-the-counter medications can yield a positive result!

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Finance & Business and Drug Testing, for more FREE information and articles please visit Drug Testing Resources

Sweet Dreams - Safety While You Sleep With a Home Security System

At the end of a long day when you finally crash into bed, the last thing you need is a heedful of worries and worst-case-scenarios. Everyone has been there - jumping at every noise, imaging someone downstairs creeping in through a door, or perhaps you imagine someone prying their way in through a window. Yes, we've all been there, but some people choose to take action and do something about it. You might be wondering what you can do. You lock the doors and close the shades, what else is there? The answer to your prayers for undisturbed sleep is a home security system.

A home security system has many different components that should help put your mind at ease when you lay down each night. One of the most important features is the burglar alarm. Too many nightmares are caused by the fear of a stranger coming into your home with dark intentions. We know from the news that this sort of crime can affect anyone, anytime. So it's important to be prepared and take measures to ensure that this doesn't happen to you. A burglar alarm can have trigger points at doors or windows, and is easy to arm or disarm. Advertise its presence with stickers in your windows as an added deterrent. Before installing a home alarm system, take some time to evaluate your home.

Start by examining the outside of your house. Is it possible to access and open windows from the outside? Are there a lot of dark corners or bushes where someone could hide? Install lights that turn on via motion sensor. If you have to take the trash out at night, or check the mailbox, or any other of a million things that could suddenly need doing after dark, then these lights will be a great convenience for you, chasing away shadows. Additionally, they are likely to startle anyone creeping up on your home, and dispel shadows that someone could hide in. Lights that stay on all night waste energy, may disturb neighbors, and lack the startling affect of a light that is triggered by movement.

Next, check the security of locks on windows and any sliding glass doors. A well-known way to reinforce the security of a sliding glass door is to put a length of pipe or board in the track. Get one cut that perfectly matches the length you need. It's easy for you to move it when you need to use the door, and is highly effective as a security measure. Some windows may benefit from similar precautions. You will sleep easier when you know that you have addressed the weak points in your home and made them stronger.

Once you have checked, upgraded, and improved these security matters, it is time to decide on the best place for the burglar alarm. Restless nights will be a thing of the past when you have an alarm. You know that any unwarranted entrance will sound the alarm, and no one will ever sneak up on you unawares. Every night when you set your alarm, you can look forward to a good night's sleep, safe and sound.

Don't be a victim! Help protect the people and things you care most about with a home security system monitored by ADT. ADT is the nation's most trusted security company, with millions of commerical and residential customers. Trust ADT alarms to help keep you safe.

Ohio Safety and Health Administration - Small Businesses

Ohio Safety& Health Administration's (OSHA) goal is to prevent any avoidable injuries that could occur on the job. This includes changing and adding various regulations and policies that may have that has the potential to fix or reduces injuries at work. OSHA takes into account the size of the business when resolving a penalty for a violation. Small businesses also have various programs to help increase understanding of health and safety matters.

Advantages for Small Businesses

One of the biggest benefits is that the Field Inspection Reference Manual (FIRM) may reduce a business's penalties up to 60% depending on the size. The percentage reduced is depended on the number of people that are employed by a particular company. If a company has less than 26 employees, it may receive the 60% reduction. If the company has between 26-100 employees the reduction could be at 40% and between 101-250 employees the reduction could be as high as 20%. The final percentage off is still to the discretion of the OSHA inspector.

For very small businesses with less than eleven workers, the company is not obligated to follow all of the OSHA recordkeeping requirements. They are also excused from a large amount of the recording and reporting of work-related injuries and illnesses.

OSHA offers free consultation to assist in recognizing potential workplace problems and setting up new safety and health regulations for the company. OSHA starts with industries that have high accidents rates. These consultations can recommend solutions for a health problem; offer information about safety and health findings; aid in producing a safety efficient management system and; train the employees to avoid and distinguish potential safety issues.

The benefits of conducting a consultation include: employees become more aware of the potential hazards and safety issues; lower occurrences of injury and; lower costs from workers' compensation.

Health and Safety Programs

There are four programs offered by the OSHA to help boost employees and employer's awareness on safety matters. The first course is the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). SHARP is an on-site consultation that awards excellent employers who have gone above and beyond to promote safe working conditions for its employees. The major benefit of this is that the company is excused from OSHA's general inspections for one year.

The next program is the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP), which encourages organizations to pay close attention to the safety and health of its employees. The VPP helps management, labor, and OSHA to collaborate together in accomplishing safety and health strategies. The VPP and OSHA identify companies that have accomplished various strategies to prevent work-place hazards from occurring.

Compliance Assistance Specialists (CAS) coordinates with a wide variety of businesses of all sizes in accomplishing better safety procedures. CAS completes these issues by holding hands-on training and also classes to teach employees and employers various hazard avoidance techniques.

The last program is the Alliance Program. The goal of the Alliance is educate employers and employees on correcting workplace injuries that could have been avoided all together. It is used to get the employees and employers on the same page in terms of prevention policies and improving safety awareness.

The last useful tool for eliminating and responding to safety mishaps is the OSHA Small Business Handbook. The book will inform employers on meeting the standards imposed by the OS Act of 1970. The handbook also includes industry checklists to follow in order to easily recognize areas of improvement.

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