Oh&S (or Workplace Safety) is often a dry topic, discussed at work because legislation dictates that we must do so - in fact not because we want to.
However, the fact of the matter is that 'Oh&S' or 'Workplace Safety' are just buzz-words that were created to address a pressing public concern. Just like 'Social Responsibility' and 'Climate Change'. The issues and problems aren't in fact new, but at the time the buzz-words were created, the consequences of inaction had come to be startlingly clear - and society demanded that we do something about it.
Often in small business, our employees are like family. They are loyal, hard-working and share similar values to us. And you'd never let your family fall in harm's way - am I right? So why should the people that you spend each work day with be any different?
Legislation aside, I don't know about you, but some people are just flat out irreplaceable - at least I think so.
So how do we protect and care for our employees? Firstly you must make sure that you have a suitable Occupational (or Workplace) health and Safety policy in place.
5 Tips for creating an Oh&S Policy
1. Commit the whole workforce - that means owner, manager, staff and contractors
2. Settle your Oh&S goals - like an injury-free workplace, each year refresher training for all, etc
3. Work out what is required to accomplish those goals - monthly safety checks, hazard minimisation training, etc
4. Delegate accountability - i.e. All employees to look out for one another, person A to guide monthly checks, person B to narrative major hazards, person C to allege spill-kit, etc
5. Owners and managers are to lead by example
Once your policy is in place it will soon come to be second nature for those in the workplace to bind to. You will have a happy, harmonious and healthy worker base who will be able to accomplish more.
Take the dry and boring out of compliancy and peel back the layers to view what is in fact behind it all. Then you will see the true value of 'taking care'.
5 Tips For Creating a Workplace security course For Your Small firm