OSHA Construction Safety Training - New State Requirements

Since 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has helped to minimize hazardous work environments and promote worker safety. As a result, the total rate of workplace injuries and illnesses significantly declined. What's even better, numerous states have adopted OSHA approved safety and health programs to perpetuate the trend. And now some states are taking it a step further.

In the last year, New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Missouri and Nevada all passed a bill that would require OSHA training for public construction contracts. Similar in each state, the bill requires all construction workers to complete an OSHA approved construction training course. This not only is a smart idea for employers and contractors to provide the training (even if not required) but to ensure a safe job site. In addition, an OSHA citation can be a costly one.

Most recent is Nevada's bill, signed on June 5th, 2009, which was said to be driven by the 12 construction deaths that occurred along Las Vegas Boulevard in a period of just 18 months. Created to increase construction safety, this new bill requires all employees and supervisors to complete OSHA training within 15 days of being hired. The law goes into effect January 1st, 2010.

Not surprisingly, OSHA 10-hour construction course enrollments for Missouri, New York and surrounding states have dramatically increased over the last few months. And Nevada is soon to follow.

A new trend? With OSHA training available online, meeting the state requirements is even easier. For workers needing their OSHA 10-hour card, location, class availability and access will not be an issue. Even travel costs and time away from work are eliminated. Students are given up to 6 months to complete the training which provides an OSHA 10-Hour Completion Card upon graduation.

OSHA authorized 10-hour construction safety training is available at http://www.osha10hourcard.com/

Food Safety Certification - Essential Job Skill Number One

Nothing is more important in the food service industry than food safety. Therefore, getting the right food safety certification for your position is essential to the success of your career in the end. It might seem drastic to say that one tiny course and certificate can change the path of your career, but no one can work in the food service industry on a professional level without food safety certification. Even part-time employees and servers are required to go through some food safety training when they are hired so that they understand the best practices for their workplace. Anyone higher up than a standard hourly employee will probably need the extra step of certification to land their dream job.

Food safety certification is not hard to understand. The training programs focus specifically on what you need to know about food safety, and don't offer irrelevant information or lengthy courses that don't help you in your career goals. These courses are short, sweet, and to the point, covering various areas of food safety and working in the food service industry. The main reason for these courses is that health departments and OSHA are watching out to ensure that workplaces are safe and healthy environments for all workers and customers at any given time.

However, food safety certification isn't about meeting standards set by these two agencies. Getting the right food safety training is more about understanding your chosen career and everything that comes with working in the food service industry. If you are going to be a server, cook, or business owner, you need to know the rules of a safe and successful food establishment. These regulations include things like food safety, because it's just good business to have sanitary and safe food handling practices in any establishment that serves the public.

The training that you are required to have may vary based on your specific choice of careers or jobs. For example, there are many general food safety certification courses out there for people who work in various establishments. However, employees of certain companies are often required to complete specific programs as a job requirement. To better understand this, take a look at how McDonald's employees and managers are required to attend McDonald's University, which is a set of training courses offered specifically by the corporation and geared toward their business only. Food safety certification is essential in the food service industry, so make sure that you get yours when you need it.

Online Food Safety Certification and Training Courses by learn2serve.com

Teleseminars For Work Place Safety Compliance Considered

Many companies hire consultants to help them comply with workplace safety and a large corporation with many locations may wish to cut costs and therefore not send a safety compliance consultant to all their locations or business units. Does it therefore makes sense to have tele-seminars from a central location, and have employees watch it at each location?

And if so does it make sense to tape the seminars so that the training can be watched at any time? It is amazing what these technologies can do, and in this case it means you only have to hire the consultant a few times to make take the training program and seminar. By doing this, a company can save a lot of money, even if the consultant doesn't like the idea that they are making less these days, everyone wins.

Let's face it travel costs have gotten very high in recent years, and companies need to find ways to save money, this technology is just one way to do just that. Companies and corporations that use such technologies to increase workplace safety are not only being compliant, staying within the regulations of OSHA, but they will also save millions of dollars by preventing accidents and lawsuits. Perhaps this is one technology that should be used to curtail accidents in the workplace, and simultaneously cuts expenses?

At least this is how the Teleseminar Industry portrays it and companies would be utilizing it, if it didn't work and help their bottom line. Please consider all this.

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Workplace Drug Testing and Its Consequences

Modern society nowadays is getting more vulnerable to drug and alcohol as an alternative for stress buster. This has rapidly increased the consumption of illicit drugs and alcohol among the youth. As per the data revealed by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of United States for the year 2007, 11,891 (21 to 25 yrs) and 19,977 (26 to 34 yrs) tested positive for consumption of illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, hashish, etc. (SAMHSA, 2007) United Nations in its effort to combat drug use and abuse has initiated several measures which includes workplace drug testing.

Erstwhile US President Mr. Ronald Reagan stressed on workplace drug testing so as to maintain employee productivity and drug free workplace. (Infantry.army.mil) Many governments across the world have initiated 'attack on drug use' instead of 'attack on drug supply' as the latter was not providing any better results. It has found that many organizations have implemented this measure to enhance the profitability of the workforce, cut down absenteeism, safety of the workers, reduce the costs on healthcare management and maintain drug free environment at the workplace. Most of the employers have the freedom to deny or reduce workers' compensation payments, if illicit substance use is found to be proximate cause of employer's injury.


Legitimate or important interests are required to justify the drug testing. The workplace drug testing is aimed at safety of the employee and others, organization efficiency, reputation risk, employee welfare, etc. Various organizations in various countries in order to reduce the demand for illicit drugs, protecting health and promoting safety of workers and co-workers, public safety and efficiency, economy and honesty of the workers towards organization, have taken such measures of employee drug testing. It can also be justified as the measure to minimize damages caused due to accidents at workplace and on roads. (Drug Testing and Privacy, 1990) However, if any employee makes a plea against workplace drug testing, it is more likely to be dismissed. Drug testing can be justified on the basis that it is been done for the safety of an individual, the public and society at large

Workers' Civil Rights

Workplace drug testing is a sensitive issue as it arises due to collision between workers' and employers interests. (ILO, Geneva, 2003) There are several types of testing method, all of which are controversial, but random testing method has always been the centre of argument. Drug testing may raise ethical and legal issues like employees fired from their jobs. Testing would illegal if it is performed without the consent of individual as it is deemed to be violating the integrity and privacy of individual. (IIDTW Report, 2004) As per the Privacy Act, 1983, only those information should be collected which are required to operate the program directly from the individual by taking all necessary steps to guarantee its accuracy. The Civil Rights Act, 1964 of US Constitution provides that it has freedom of speech, equal protection of laws and protection from unlawful discrimination. (hhs.gov, 2008) Some organizations may use drug testing method on pre-employment basis. If the candidate is tested positive, he is denied the employment. This issue raises the question of unlawful discrimination as stated in Civil Rights, 1964. And most of the employers' and employee have entered into a contract underlining the fact that if tested positive for drug, he will be fired or remuneration will be stopped. Such contracts have handcuffed the employees' right to appeal in the court of law. Drug testing at workplace has caused many of the full time employees to get treated for illicit substance use. The DASIS Report, 2006 presents that 58 % fulltime alcoholics compared to 39% unemployed were admitted for illicit substance use treatment. (The Dasis Report, 2008) Some countries and their states have made legal provision so as to encourage drug free workplace by providing compensation to the employers' just affecting the work, income and benefits of the employee. (ncsl.org, 2009)

Who should be tested?

Any organization performing drug testing must sort out the individuals whom to be tested and what are the drugs to be looked for. This may vary from the individuals who are newly appointed or past employee, senior officers, unionized employees, male or female, or those employees who are suspected to be drug addicted. (Drug Testing and Privacy, p.9) Some may classify on the basis of past or present impairment or drug use. When an employer has reasonable cause to suspect an employee of drug use on job or at any time, and due to which he has incurred any impairment or may cause impairment at workplace. (Drug Testing and Privacy, p.9) It would be appropriate to conduct such tests an inclusive basis to avoid discrimination and this will also help in avoid hesitation from the employees.

Most of the organizations in different countries have implemented this method to overcome drug use at workplace, ensure safety of their employees and enhance their economic conditions. This method has provided positive benefits across the world. State of Ohio has been benefited from this method resulting in drop of absenteeism, fewer problems with supervisors and 97% decrease in on-the-job injuries. (Globalchange.com) Such facts and figures have encouraged many more states and countries to take up drug testing at their workplace. It is important to take such stern actions to curb the drug intake, mainly by the youth by attacking its usage.