Archery protection

Archery is a fun activity that can be enjoyed by all ages, yet one which involves a lot of skill to be successful. Whilst nothing should put you off the idea of you or your house taking up archery, it must be remembered that the history of archery stems from hunting and combat, and arrows are no less dangerous when fired for sport and recreation. Therefore, you should all the time ensure that when firing, you have taken every precaution possible and lope in a safe, responsible manner.

Before shooting, it is leading to make sure that all the equipment you are about to use is in good health to forestall equipment failure accidents. You will need to make sure that your bow is free from cracks and that the ends of the bow are free from nicks and moisture. Often check the bow string and ensure that it is well waxed and free from damage. Make sure that the bow's nocking point is positioned correctly and undamaged and that all safety gear is up to standard. You then need to ensure that all arrows are fully straight and free from cracks. In order to keep your bow in a good condition, never draw the string added than the distance of the arrow and never draw and issue the string without an arrow nocked. Once your equipment is checked and safe, you can begin shooting.


When shooting there are sure rules to succeed to ensure the safety of everyone involved. You must never point a bow with an arrow nocked at anyone at anytime. Similarly, it is leading to never shoot unless there is a clear target available and to never plainly fire into the air, as there is no sure way of predicting where it will land. When shooting as part of a group, all the time ensure you wait until a clear signal that firing has stopped before proceeding over the shooting line and when not firing, all the time remain behind all archers that are shooting. When retrieving arrows from a target, stand to the side of the arrow, place one hand on the target near the arrow and, with the other hand, grip the arrow shaft just above your resting hand. all the time pull in a straight motion, twisting as you pull, to forestall damage to the arrow.

To ensure you are all the time safe when practicing archery, all the time make sure you go to a designated range or shooting location. Targets should be set up either with a wall or hill directly behind them or with a gap of at least 60 feet behind the targets that is kept clear in case of wayward arrows. Any shooting location should have a line of fire clearly marked out for each target and a line marked along the row of shooters that should not be crossed without a clear signal that it is safe to do so. If wishing to comprise varying distances of target ensure that all shooters remain in line and that it is the targets themselves that are located backwards of other targets.

Provided you are shooting at a fully designated and supervised archery range, there will most likely be person to supervise your shooting and ensure it is safe. all the time make sure you succeed the supervisor's advice relating to safety, but above all, enjoy yourself.

Archery protection

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