Today training your staff in fire safety should be a major concern for all bosses and managing directors. Not only is there a liability issue but making sure your staff undergo training that ensures the safe evacuation of a building is a vital responsibility for anyone who runs a workspace. Not only should safety training show people what to do in the event of a fire, it should also educate on how to help reduce the risk of fire.
It is unfortunate that a lot of people still die in fires at work due to a lack of knowledge as a result of non-existent safety training. As a person who is responsible for people while they are at work, I am sure many bosses would not want the lives of their staff on their conscience.
Not only is the human element expensive, but the financial costs of fire in business premises reaches astronomic amounts annually. With some fires costing millions it is unsurprising that almost eighty percent of businesses fail to recover from fire, hence safety training is a necessity for any conscientious businessman.
Fire is fundamentally caused when three elements combine; these elements are heat, fuel and oxygen. Effective safety training will ensure your members of staff recognise the importance of keeping these elements separate and subsequently decreasing any instances of fire. Fuel is anything that a fire may feed off, from paper wood to computers; heat can be a spark, naked flame, cigarette butt or even friction. Recognising the warning signs will be apparent after efficient training.
Training will also allow you to construct a plan of action in case a fire breaks out. Putting in place established safety procedures that cope with the effects of fire efficiently is essential to ensuring everyone is evacuated quickly and the effects of fire are limited. Regular refresher courses for members of staff should also be employed as keeping these plans fresh in the mind will lead to them being carried out effectively.
Tackling of a fire should always be left to the professionals; however through training it is possible for members of your staff to utilise the fire safety equipment present in your workplace. The use of extinguishers takes skill and knowledge in how to tackle fires.
Competency is a major issue as it is easy to panic in the event of a fire and only through regular use will staff members be able to utilise a fire extinguisher to its full ability. Knowing how and where to attack a fire is vital to reducing the effects the inferno may have ensuring that the flames are subdued rapidly.
It is often worth putting in place a number of workers who are fully trained in all manner of safety issues. Generally these are called fire wardens and can be a crucial resource ensuring staff members are evacuated according to safety procedures. A warden should also be able to fight a fire and inform the authorities of all the vital information they may need. Training should ensure your warden can recognise the nature of the fire as well as its intensity.
Fire safety training should be a major consideration for anyone who has a staff underneath them. Ensuring their safety is of paramount importance as well as the safety of your business's resources and property. Through training it is possible to reduce the effects of a fire and in an ideal world prevent one from ever breaking out. It may seem like an expense that is not worth the initial outlay but when it comes to the cost of a human life, no price is too high.
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