It seems that recent times have given us so many reminders that we should all have at least the basic emergency and safety supplies in our homes and cars in the unfortunate event that we should ever need them. We've seen the disasters on television for some time now major earthquakes, 9/11, tsunamis, hurricanes. It's sad but true that there are not only "Acts of God" but also acts of man that can leave us isolated and waiting for help to arrive. In many cases, with just the most basic assortment of emergency and safety supplies though, the waiting can be manageable and in some cases the difference between life and death. But those reminders and that knowledge alone is not enough it's taking action now and getting your emergency and safety supplies together before you actually need them that could make a difference. Being prepared isn't expecting bad things to happen as some people think, it's planning for the best results no matter what curves life may bring.
When most people think of putting together an emergency preparedness kit they immediately think of extra food, water, first aid supplies, batteries, candles, flashlights and a radio. While all of these are important for basic survival, there are a few unexpected items that are also easy to keep on hand that may prove valuable in times of crisis. Although basic industrial safety supplies may not come to mind first thing when assembling your emergency kit just a few of these safety items that are easy to gather and store together, may be life saving in challenging times. Imagine how useful a dust mask or eye protection glasses could be following a catastrophe of even minor magnitude. Safety gloves and ear plugs could also prove beneficial in numerous situations. If you should need to dig yourself or another out, or are being exposed to poor sanitary conditions, these items could all be helpful and protect you from further harm than you may already have endured. They are compact and light, inexpensive and easy to store. There really is no reason not to be prepared. You might even consider adding in a Tyvek coverall to protect yourself from hazardous dusts and other particles such as lead.
If space is not an issue there are some larger items that people who are in areas prone to natural disasters often store that could be useful in any location during times of distress. A personal power generator is most common in this category for those who face electricity outages. Basic sanitary supplies including a porta-potty in the event that there is no water or severe plumbing problems can help keep conditions bearable. There are also emergency lighting systems that can be charged by a handcrank that although more expensive to obtain and store than standard flashlights can provide comforting light when not available from the usual sources and they don't rely on batteries.
Such basic emergency and safety supplies can be helpful not only in our daily lives such as during a minor power outage, but in the unfortunate event of a catastrophic emergency could prove to be the very things that pulls us through. Taking time now to prepare is wise and responsible and also very easy. Complete lists of all items to include in your emergency preparedness kit, including details on the types of food that can be stored well and how much water to keep on hand, are easily available online. Make a little time today, you and your loved ones are worth it.
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